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This St. Aidan's Center for Western Orthodox Liturgics succeeds and preserves the labors placed into offering the popular Liturgical Texts Project since defunct.


The Liturgical Texts Project, established in 1999, by the Rev'd Father Hieromonk Aidan (Keller) of Austin, Texas (ROCOR), includes diverse contributions from Orthodox Christians all over the world.

We are thankful to those who have assisted Fr Aidan in his original labors so generously, especially pastor Jens Schmidst-Clausen, Lutheran Church; Hieromonk Benedikt (Schneider), Moscow Patriarchate; Archimandrite Gorazd, Montenegrin Jurisdiction; Fr. Nicholas Alford, Antiochian Archdiocese; Bishop Jerome (Shaw) of Manhattan, and Reader Isaac Lambertsen, both of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia; Archpriest Jack Witbrock, of the Antiochian Patriarchate; and many others.  May they be greatly Blessed in their labors for the building up of The Church and for the spiritual deification of God's faithful.

About St Aidan's Center

Our Heritage


Orthodox Congregation of Saint Benedict of Nursia (OCSB)


I'he Novi Kloštar Hermitage of St John the Divine follows the Benedictine tradition of  complimentary unity of cenobitic/eremitic life exampled by Saint Romuald the Hesychast of Byzantine Ravenna (+ ). The Hermitage looks to St Romuald as the community's ancient founder. Roman Catholic hermits known as Camaldolese also look to him as their founder. While being in the Romualdian Lifestyle & Spirituality our community is very much part of the Orthodox Congregation of Saint Benedict of Nursia (OCSB) being Benedictine monastics and oblates within the canonical Orthodox Church.

Our Community


Novi Kloštar Hermitage of St John the Divine, founded on 19 June 1999 o.s. being the Church's Commemoration of Saint Romuald the Hesychast & Saint John (Maximovitch) the wonderworker of Shanghai & San Francisco. The Hermitage Community of monastic hermits & lay oblates follow the Benedictine tradition of the contemplative Romualdian Spirituality.

On 14 December 2014 n.s. the Hermitage was received into the Western Rite Community of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, by His Eminence Metropolitan HILARION the First Hierarch of the ROCOR Holy Synod.

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